Code of Business Ethics
We take ethics and regulatory compliance seriously. This is evident in our business practices and is reflected in our Code of Business Ethics, which is based on the values and principles of our company. The Code of Business Ethics is provided for all employees of our company, as we work together, as well as with customers, partners, suppliers, and other third parties.
The provisions of the Code of Business Ethics are fundamental to the way we conduct business, and they directly reflect our principles that we believe in and with which we live: honesty, security, sociability, diversity, and social responsibility.
Direct Ethics and Compliance Contact
Chalasyn's Code of Business Ethics is a guide for every employee
We strive to create an atmosphere in which employees feel comfortable sharing their problems and reporting any alleged violations of company policy or law without fear of pursuit. Our alert line is a tool for the entire company, which allows employees to easily report problems associated with work and is available 24/7 at Our employees can report any suspected violations of company policy or law anonymously and without fear of being exposed and pursuit.
Our company strives to guarantee safe and favorable working conditions for its employees in compliance with ethical standards. Chalasyn's Code of Business Ethics is a guide for each employee and representative of the company in terms of implementing legal and ethical practices in their daily work. It describes not only our integrity standards but also some special principles and sections of the law that are most likely to affect Chalasyn's business.
Doing business with ethics and integrity is a key priority for our company. To comply with the Code of Business Ethics, employees should not in any way allow or tolerate any manifestation of unethical behavior.
To assist in ensuring compliance with the principles reflected in this Code of Business Ethics, our company has chosen a direct contact system. This allows the company to timely and efficiently process confidential and anonymous messages with information about problems at the workplace, as well as ethical issues. Chalasyn company appreciates and encourages your contribution, and as noted in the Code of Business Ethics, if you become aware of a violation, you must report it.
All information transmitted by you is treated on a confidential basis. You also have the opportunity to optionally transmit messages anonymously, without specifying your contract data. Our company will certainly consider each message received, and investigate all complaints and, if necessary, apply corrective actions. If you have a question regarding a problem that concerns you personally, you can select the "Contact Us" function at the bottom of the page or consider the "Frequently Asked Questions" section.
Our approach to tax law
Chalasyn is not just a company, but a socially responsible company and a respectable neighbor for the society in which we work. We believe that we are obliged to add additional value to society, in addition to the professional services that we provide. We understand the importance of tax deductions and compliance with tax laws for the life of the society in which we operate, and we responsibly manage our tax obligations.
Report a violation
Your questions and problems, which can be reported around the clock seven days a week, will be confidentially and purposefully resolved by competent representatives of the company. You can completely remain anonymous and, if necessary, get the help of a translator.
You may report a violation of the law or our Code of Business Ethics is one of the ways described below:
1) interactively;
2) by phone indicated on the page;
3) by e-mail to the address of the founder of the company;
4) through the system by the link "Contact us".